Our expert knowledge for you!
Software is a tool that provides the user with reproducible results, enables complex evaluations in the shortest possible time and documents results. When operating these tools, the user's previous knowledge is crucial. For job starters, career changers and anyone who wants to refresh their specialist knowledge, we organize free "webinars" on various geotechnical topics at irregular intervals. A webinar is an online conference to which you can log in via an Internet link. You will then see and hear the live presentation of our speaker. These live presentations will be recorded and are then available in the video archive.

Analyze elastically bedded piles with GGU-LATPILE (26min)
This webinar will demonstrate the GGU-LATPILE program’s ability to analyse elastically bedded piles with the modulus of subgrade reaction method and the p-y-method.
Our expert Prof. Dr. Uwe Glabisch will provide you with informations on how to use the program and how to calculate and evaluate results. You can watch the video recording of this webinar free of charge after you have registered with your name and e-mail address.

Analyze retaining structures with GGU-GABION (27min)
This webinar will demonstrate the GGU-GABION program’s ability to analyse and design of retaining structures manufactured using gabions, concrete elements and stacked blocks as well as noise abatement walls.
Our expert Prof. Dr. Uwe Glabisch will provide you with informations on how to use the program and how to calculate and evaluate results. You can watch the video recording of this webinar free of charge after you have registered with your name and e-mail address.

Analysis of spread foundations and settelments with GGU-FOOTING (20min)
This webinar will demonstrate the GGU-FOOTING program’s ability to analyse spread foundations: verification of the bearing capacity according to DIN 4017, highly eccentric loads, limitation of misalignment, sliding. Aditionally analysis of settlements according to DIN 4019.
Our expert Prof. Dr. Uwe Glabisch will provide you with informations on how to use the program and how to calculate and evaluate results. You can watch the video recording of this webinar free of charge after you have registered with…

Analyze consolidation processes in multi-layered systems with GGU-CONSOLIDATE (15min)
This webinar will demonstrate the GGU-CONSOLIDATE program’s ability to analyse of one-dimensional consolidation processes in single-layered systems (analytical), multi-layered systems (numerical), single- or multi-layered systems with vertical drains.
Our expert Prof. Dr. Uwe Glabisch will provide you with informations on how to use the program and how to calculate and evaluate results. You can watch the video recording of this webinar free of charge after you have registered with your name and e-mail…

Analysis of compression and tension piles with GGU-AXPILE (15min)
This webinar will demonstrate the GGU-AXPILE program’s ability to analyse and and graphical presentation of axially loaded piles to EAP, EC 7, DIN 4014, DIN 1054 or after Franke.
Our expert Prof. Dr. Uwe Glabisch will provide you with informations on how to use the program and how to calculate and evaluate results. You can watch the video recording of this webinar free of charge after you have registered with your name and e-mail address.